
Making Whole Grain Chocolate Chip Cookies with Teff At Bob’s Red Mill

This summer we had the amazing opportunity to take an RV trip up the Oregon coast with our family. We absolutely love RVing! One of the best things about it is that you get to visit places you’ve never been before and bring your mini house with you! When we found out that one of our favorite brands, Bob’s Red Mill, had their headquarters on our route we were so excited to go visit!

We use Bob’s Red Mill flours and grains for many of our recipes. We’ve always loved this brand because they take great care in making the healthiest of flours by using the purest of grains and grinding them the old fashioned way…on traditional quartz millstones.

These millstones are just like the ones used in ancient Roman times. Most modern mills use high-speed steel rollers, but these stones grind slowly so that the most nutritious parts of the whole grain remain intact. This slow speed allows the nutrients to remain unharmed and fresh, so you know that Bob’s grains are wholesome and full of the best body building ingredients for kids’ growing bodies!

Bob starting grinding flours in the 1960s and has since become one of the pioneers of the health food industry. We learned all about his remarkable journey at their factory tour at their headquarters in Milwaukie, Oregon. (It’s free!)

They taught us all about the milling process and we even learned how to grind our own grains!

After our tour of the Mill we went to visit their Whole Grain Store and Bakery. It’s a big natural market filled with the enormous line of everything Bob’s! They also have a restaurant, so we got to enjoy lunch before shooting our show. We had delicious sandwiches made with Bob’s Red Mill gluten free bread. Yummy!

Even though Bob is 89 (!!!) years-old, he still runs the business and is at his mill every day. We bumped into him numerous times while we were there, and he even stopped to chat with us while we had lunch outside in their beautiful cafe. We were grateful and felt so fortunate to have him join the filming of our show!

They host cooking classes at the store and the cooking instructor, Sophia, was so much fun to work with! She created this yummy recipe. We were lucky enough to be her taste testers… and we definitely approved!
Depending on your preference, these can be made a little chewy or a little crunchy. It’s all a matter of how long you bake them. Either way, they are delicious!

This was our first time cooking with teff flour and we really enjoyed the taste. Teff is a gluten-free grain with a lot of protein and fiber. It helps to build bones and muscles, and is a great immune booster too!

We hope that you enjoy this Whole Grain Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe. If you are ever near Milwaukie, Oregon, we highly suggest stopping by Bob’s Red Mill for their tour and lunch. You’ll learn so much about how to mill whole grains, and learn all about Bob’s life and all that he has accomplished to help make our food choices as healthy as possible. Thanks Bob, for helping to develop the health food industry into what it is today! Our generation is so grateful to you for doing all you do to keep our food clean and nutritious!

Visit Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods World Headquarters at:

13521 SE Pheasant Ct
Milwaukie, OR 97222

(800) 349-2173

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