Tia and Talia visited Ensenada, MX to build a house for the migrant working poor with Baja Bound. Over three days they hammered, painted, and spackled alongside 20 other team members to build a beautiful 2 bedroom home for a family that had been living under a tin enclosure. While there, they also spent time assisting in an orphanage, and delivered and distributed food and essentials to help the local women and children of the community.

It is here that they met Rosa. Rosa is 17 years old. She makes her living making beaded bracelets and selling them to the few Americans that visit her little village. We learned that she is in need of medical care and a transplant. The girls wanted to help her so they told her to make as many bracelets as she could so that they could buy them to help support her.
She made over 1400 bracelets!

So now, the girls are on a mission to sell her beautiful bracelets and spread the word about this amazing organization, Baja Bound.
If you feel drawn to help by purchasing these beautiful handmade creations, they are $5 each or 5 for $20. They come in two sizes, child and adult.

Proceeds will go to Baja Bound, Rosa, and to help encourage the girls’ entrepreneurial spirit (aka: a Lego set for Talia and the next Harry Potter book for Tia).
If you are interested in taking a service trip down to Ensenada, MX to help build a house for the poor, please reach out to Baja Bound It’s a life-changing experience for all involved
Thank you for your support and your desire to help change lives!
Lots of love,
Tia & Talia